An unofficial Cowdenbeath Football Club site






When The Sun Shines


Name : Jean Luc Picard

Supporters Club : Blue Brazil Loyal (Milky Way Branch)

How long have you supported Cowden? : Since stardate 1880.1

Worst thing about football : Travelling half way across the galaxy to a 'Shire match only to find no visible life forms and zero atmosphere.

Best thing about football : Watching Klingons head the ball and seeing it burst on their heads, Worf would never make a central defender.

Favourite all-time Cowden players : Colin (Beam me up) Scott and Peter (Sulu) Lamont and of course Tom Steven who shares my hair style and is always prepared "To Baldly Go".

Favourite away ground : Cliftonhill, it's on a different planet.

Favourite other club : Any away team with Deanna Troy in it.

Ambition : To see Cowden promoted before they are assimilated by the borg.

Any other of the crew into football : Data is pre-programmed and is a bit of a know-all so he must be a Townie whilst Worf supports Arbroath as he speaks their language fluently and doesn't have anything that resembles a sense of humour.

Any predictions : The Pars to beam down to the likes of Stranraer and Brechin by star date 1998.9 and Cowden to beat Rangers in the Scottish Cup Final (on the holo-deck).

We are always looking for more celebrity fans, if you are aware of any please drop us an Email


This articles was originally published in the When The Sun Shines fanzine


When The Sun Shines is an independent magazine written by the supporters, for the supporters.
Any opinions expressed in this page is not the opinion of any players or officials directly or indirectly connected to Cowdenbeath Football Club.